Amended at the AGM April 2024
Amended at the AGM May 2020
Amended at the AGM May 2020
1. Name
1.1 The name of the Association shall be the British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies, with the acronym BAFTSS.
1.2 It is the representative body for higher education departments and scholars engaged in the teaching, research and study of the medium of film, television and screen media in the United Kingdom.
2. Aims
2.1 To promote the place and role of Film, Television, and Screen Studies as an established, recognized and relevant academic discipline within Higher Education and to foster research in the field of Film, Television, and Screen Studies.
2.2 To represent and defend the interests of the discipline of Film, Television, and Screen Studies within the Higher Education sector and society at large.
2.3 To provide a forum for discussion and debate on matters of scholarly interest to its members and to provide a means for members to exchange information and expertise.
2.4 To provide an organisation capable of responding collectively to proposals and policy consultations from government departments, funding councils and other relevant institutions.
2.5 To liaise and collaborate with relevant institutions and bodies and provide a means of representing the discipline at a national and international level.
2.6 To promote and disseminate good practice in teaching, learning and research; to monitor and consult on matters of quality assurance within the field.
3. Status
3.1 BAFTSS takes the form of an unincorporated Association.
3.2 BAFTSS may, if and when it considers it appropriate and following consultation, apply to H.M. Charity Commissioners for charity status.
3.3 BAFTSS is established voluntarily and co-operatively. It is entirely independent of any institution or organization and exists to serve the collective interest of the discipline of Film, Television and Screen Studies, rather than any single member.
4. Membership
4.1 Membership will be based on the calendar year.
4.2 Membership is available to both institutions and individuals on payment of an annual
subscription fee.
4.3 Associate membership, with observer status but without voting rights, is open to bodies and institutions who do not meet the above requirements when it is deemed to be of mutual benefit and at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
4.4 Institutional members shall appoint a representative, typically the Head of Department or a Professor or senior academic, who will act as BAFTSS’s primary point of contact and liaise with colleagues at his/her institution as necessary. Appointed deputies may be sent to general meetings if the nominated representative is unable to attend.
4.5 Individuals and institutions shall cease to be members on failing to pay the annual subscription on two consecutive years or if they inform the Chair in writing of their intention to relinquish their membership.
4.6 The Executive Committee will have the right to close the membership of any member for gross misconduct. Such actions will be ratified at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
5. Finance
5.1 The Executive Committee shall make proposals as to the rate of the annual membership fees, which will subsequently be determined at the AGM.
5.2 Annual accounts shall be checked and verified by appointed independent auditors and then submitted for approval by the Treasurer to the members at the AGM.
6. Organisation and Management
6.1. Meetings/Administration
6.1.1 The BAFTSS shall hold, having given due notice, an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in each calendar year. The AGM shall include on its agenda the following items:
6.1.2. Members should be advised of the date and venue of all General Meetings, including the AGM and should receive an agenda no less than four weeks prior to the meeting. The agenda should indicate the main topics to be discussed or voted on but need not specify particular resolutions or motions.
6.1.3. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may also be convened at the discretion of the Executive Committee or upon receipt of a written request and agenda signed by at least 30 members. Such a meeting will normally be held at a mutually convenient time and location within six weeks of the Chair’s receipt of the request.
6.1.4. Quora for all meetings will be as follows:
6.1.5. Voting at all meetings will normally be by a show of hands and motions will be carried or rejected by simple majority. However, a request, duly seconded, that a vote be taken by secret ballot or electronic poll of all members shall be voted and, if passed, so conducted.
6.1.6. The Executive Committee may also, at any time, hold a postal or electronic ballot of its members to gauge opinion on important or topical issues. The results of such a ballot will then be reported to the membership.
6.2. Structure
6.2.1. Between AGMs, the day-to-day business of the organisation shall be carried out by an elected Executive Committee.
6.2.2. The Executive Committee shall consist of seven elected Committee Members and four Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. In order to ensure that the full range of interests of the field is adequately represented, it may also co-opt two post-graduate members, and two early/mid-career member who is one of the following (or equivalent): Independent Researcher or Filmmaker/Fixed Term Contract Staff/Visiting Researcher/Visiting Lecturer/Affiliated Staff.
6.2.3. The Editor-in-Chief of Open Screens (or a representative from the journal’s Editorial Team) shall be required to report to each EC meeting, in person or in writing.
6.2.4. The Executive Committee may also, subject to the approval of the AGM, appoint one or more Honorary Presidents with the aim of further promoting the aims of the Association. The Chair, or in his/her absence the Vice-Chair, shall preside over the AGM and other General Meetings of the Executive Committee. She or he shall also represent BAFTSS at meetings and discussions with other institutions and bodies or, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint such as other members of the Association so to do.
6.3. Representation
6.3.1. BAFTSS shall elect a Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and seven Executive Committee members at the AGM to serve for a maximum period of three years. Nominations for election into these positions shall comprise a proposer, a seconder and the agreement of the nominee. In the event of more than one candidate being nominated for any named position, an election will be held at the AGM. The winner will be the candidate achieving the highest number of votes cast by those present and eligible to vote. In the event of more than seven candidates standing for Executive Committee membership, an election will be held at the AGM. The winners will be the candidates achieving the highest number of votes cast.
6.3.2. Members of the Executive Committee should be individual members or the nominated representatives of member institutions. Should an individual cease to be the nominated representative of their institution, they should step-down from the Executive Committee.
6.3.3. The Executive Committee is normally responsible for scheduling its own calendar of meetings; however, these should not be less frequent than twice a year.
6.3.4. Members of the Executive Committee shall serve for three years and offer themselves for re-election for a further three-year term. No member of the Executive Committee may for more than six consecutive years.
6.3.5. At the AGM, subsequent to the adoption of this Constitution, the Vice-Chair and Treasurer and three members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a two- year term. Thereafter, elections for all Executive Committee roles will be for a three- year term (and subject to the re-election provision of 6.3.4).
6.3.6. Members of the Executive Committee may be dismissed by a vote of no confidence passed by a simple majority vote of those present or by proxy at an EGM of the full membership.
6.3.7. In the event of an elected Executive Committee member being unable to serve her/his term, the incoming Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement from among its own membership or shall co-opt a replacement from among the general membership. Such an appointed Executive Committee member shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting.
7. Constitutional Change
7.1 Any proposed modifications to the constitution shall be sent to the Chair who will circulate them to all members at least four weeks before the EGM.
7.2 Changes shall only be implemented at an EGM if a proposed modification to this constitution shall be agreed by at least two-thirds of the vote of those present or by proxy.
8. Provisions for Dissolution
8.1 The Association may be dissolved only under the conditions detailed below.
8.2 A written proposal signed by not less than one third of the membership detailing a timetable for dissolution and an outline for the disposal or transfer of the Association’s assets should be delivered to the Chair.
8.3 The Chair will then notify all members and call an EGM to be held within three months.
8.4 The proposal shall only be carried if two-thirds of those present and voting at the meeting are in favour and if those in favour are equal to at least one-half of the Association’s members.
8.5 Any assets remaining after the payment of any residual debts or liabilities shall be transferred to another association or charitable institution that the Executive Committee determines to have similar aims and objectives as the Association; or shall be used at the discretion of the Executive Committee to further the aims of the Association; or shall be disbursed to the member institutions in proportion to their contributions in the previous two years.
1.1 The name of the Association shall be the British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies, with the acronym BAFTSS.
1.2 It is the representative body for higher education departments and scholars engaged in the teaching, research and study of the medium of film, television and screen media in the United Kingdom.
2. Aims
2.1 To promote the place and role of Film, Television, and Screen Studies as an established, recognized and relevant academic discipline within Higher Education and to foster research in the field of Film, Television, and Screen Studies.
2.2 To represent and defend the interests of the discipline of Film, Television, and Screen Studies within the Higher Education sector and society at large.
2.3 To provide a forum for discussion and debate on matters of scholarly interest to its members and to provide a means for members to exchange information and expertise.
2.4 To provide an organisation capable of responding collectively to proposals and policy consultations from government departments, funding councils and other relevant institutions.
2.5 To liaise and collaborate with relevant institutions and bodies and provide a means of representing the discipline at a national and international level.
2.6 To promote and disseminate good practice in teaching, learning and research; to monitor and consult on matters of quality assurance within the field.
3. Status
3.1 BAFTSS takes the form of an unincorporated Association.
3.2 BAFTSS may, if and when it considers it appropriate and following consultation, apply to H.M. Charity Commissioners for charity status.
3.3 BAFTSS is established voluntarily and co-operatively. It is entirely independent of any institution or organization and exists to serve the collective interest of the discipline of Film, Television and Screen Studies, rather than any single member.
4. Membership
4.1 Membership will be based on the calendar year.
4.2 Membership is available to both institutions and individuals on payment of an annual
subscription fee.
4.3 Associate membership, with observer status but without voting rights, is open to bodies and institutions who do not meet the above requirements when it is deemed to be of mutual benefit and at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
4.4 Institutional members shall appoint a representative, typically the Head of Department or a Professor or senior academic, who will act as BAFTSS’s primary point of contact and liaise with colleagues at his/her institution as necessary. Appointed deputies may be sent to general meetings if the nominated representative is unable to attend.
4.5 Individuals and institutions shall cease to be members on failing to pay the annual subscription on two consecutive years or if they inform the Chair in writing of their intention to relinquish their membership.
4.6 The Executive Committee will have the right to close the membership of any member for gross misconduct. Such actions will be ratified at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
5. Finance
5.1 The Executive Committee shall make proposals as to the rate of the annual membership fees, which will subsequently be determined at the AGM.
5.2 Annual accounts shall be checked and verified by appointed independent auditors and then submitted for approval by the Treasurer to the members at the AGM.
6. Organisation and Management
6.1. Meetings/Administration
6.1.1 The BAFTSS shall hold, having given due notice, an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in each calendar year. The AGM shall include on its agenda the following items:
- Ratification of subscription rates.
- Ratification applications for membership and membership changes.
- Elections of Executive Committee members as and when positions become vacant.
- Receipt of reports from the Officers.
- Discussion of any other relevant business.
- Decision as to the date for the next AGM.
6.1.2. Members should be advised of the date and venue of all General Meetings, including the AGM and should receive an agenda no less than four weeks prior to the meeting. The agenda should indicate the main topics to be discussed or voted on but need not specify particular resolutions or motions.
6.1.3. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may also be convened at the discretion of the Executive Committee or upon receipt of a written request and agenda signed by at least 30 members. Such a meeting will normally be held at a mutually convenient time and location within six weeks of the Chair’s receipt of the request.
6.1.4. Quora for all meetings will be as follows:
- AGM: 20% of the membership, whether in person or by proxy. In the event of an
AGM being inquorate, the Executive Committee will post all resolutions to be
voted on at the next AGM. - EGM: 20% of the membership, except as outlined in Article 8 below.
In the event of an EGM being inquorate, the Executive Committee will reconvene the meeting at the earliest possible opportunity. - Executive Committee: one-third of members including at least two Officers.
6.1.5. Voting at all meetings will normally be by a show of hands and motions will be carried or rejected by simple majority. However, a request, duly seconded, that a vote be taken by secret ballot or electronic poll of all members shall be voted and, if passed, so conducted.
6.1.6. The Executive Committee may also, at any time, hold a postal or electronic ballot of its members to gauge opinion on important or topical issues. The results of such a ballot will then be reported to the membership.
6.2. Structure
6.2.1. Between AGMs, the day-to-day business of the organisation shall be carried out by an elected Executive Committee.
6.2.2. The Executive Committee shall consist of seven elected Committee Members and four Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. In order to ensure that the full range of interests of the field is adequately represented, it may also co-opt two post-graduate members, and two early/mid-career member who is one of the following (or equivalent): Independent Researcher or Filmmaker/Fixed Term Contract Staff/Visiting Researcher/Visiting Lecturer/Affiliated Staff.
6.2.3. The Editor-in-Chief of Open Screens (or a representative from the journal’s Editorial Team) shall be required to report to each EC meeting, in person or in writing.
6.2.4. The Executive Committee may also, subject to the approval of the AGM, appoint one or more Honorary Presidents with the aim of further promoting the aims of the Association. The Chair, or in his/her absence the Vice-Chair, shall preside over the AGM and other General Meetings of the Executive Committee. She or he shall also represent BAFTSS at meetings and discussions with other institutions and bodies or, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint such as other members of the Association so to do.
6.3. Representation
6.3.1. BAFTSS shall elect a Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and seven Executive Committee members at the AGM to serve for a maximum period of three years. Nominations for election into these positions shall comprise a proposer, a seconder and the agreement of the nominee. In the event of more than one candidate being nominated for any named position, an election will be held at the AGM. The winner will be the candidate achieving the highest number of votes cast by those present and eligible to vote. In the event of more than seven candidates standing for Executive Committee membership, an election will be held at the AGM. The winners will be the candidates achieving the highest number of votes cast.
6.3.2. Members of the Executive Committee should be individual members or the nominated representatives of member institutions. Should an individual cease to be the nominated representative of their institution, they should step-down from the Executive Committee.
6.3.3. The Executive Committee is normally responsible for scheduling its own calendar of meetings; however, these should not be less frequent than twice a year.
6.3.4. Members of the Executive Committee shall serve for three years and offer themselves for re-election for a further three-year term. No member of the Executive Committee may for more than six consecutive years.
6.3.5. At the AGM, subsequent to the adoption of this Constitution, the Vice-Chair and Treasurer and three members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a two- year term. Thereafter, elections for all Executive Committee roles will be for a three- year term (and subject to the re-election provision of 6.3.4).
6.3.6. Members of the Executive Committee may be dismissed by a vote of no confidence passed by a simple majority vote of those present or by proxy at an EGM of the full membership.
6.3.7. In the event of an elected Executive Committee member being unable to serve her/his term, the incoming Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement from among its own membership or shall co-opt a replacement from among the general membership. Such an appointed Executive Committee member shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting.
7. Constitutional Change
7.1 Any proposed modifications to the constitution shall be sent to the Chair who will circulate them to all members at least four weeks before the EGM.
7.2 Changes shall only be implemented at an EGM if a proposed modification to this constitution shall be agreed by at least two-thirds of the vote of those present or by proxy.
8. Provisions for Dissolution
8.1 The Association may be dissolved only under the conditions detailed below.
8.2 A written proposal signed by not less than one third of the membership detailing a timetable for dissolution and an outline for the disposal or transfer of the Association’s assets should be delivered to the Chair.
8.3 The Chair will then notify all members and call an EGM to be held within three months.
8.4 The proposal shall only be carried if two-thirds of those present and voting at the meeting are in favour and if those in favour are equal to at least one-half of the Association’s members.
8.5 Any assets remaining after the payment of any residual debts or liabilities shall be transferred to another association or charitable institution that the Executive Committee determines to have similar aims and objectives as the Association; or shall be used at the discretion of the Executive Committee to further the aims of the Association; or shall be disbursed to the member institutions in proportion to their contributions in the previous two years.