Special interest group:
- Lorena Cervera (Arts University Bournemouth)
- Alisa Lebow (University of Sussex)
- Patrick Brian Smith (University of Warwick)
OverviewThe Documentary SIG aims to bring together scholars, practitioners, and researchers to exchange ideas, generate debates, and form collaborations on various aspects of the documentary. Documentary—as a theoretical and epistemological frame—cuts across many different types of film and media. The SIG aims to define it as broadly as possible, engaging with a wide range of emerging ideas and research in this burgeoning field. We invite ideas and contributions from all parts of the world, and actively encourage suggestions for, and participation in, documentary SIG-related events—be they screenings, talks, book launches, discussions, reading groups and the like. We are particularly interested in hearing about projects that place the documentary in dialogue with activist, queer, decolonial, anti-racist, migratory and environmental methods and practices.
Founding members