Special interest group:
British Cinema and Television
- Melanie Williams (University of East Anglia)
- David Forrest (University of Sheffield)
- James Leggott(Northumbria University)
- Steven Roberts (University of the West of England)
OverviewThis SIG aims to provide a collegial forum for scholarly interests in British cinema and television cultures, both domestically as well as in their broader transnational and global contexts (of evident additional significance post-Brexit). Fully embracing historical approaches as well as work focussing on contemporary agendas and future directions for British television and film, the SIG operates within an expansive range of critical, theoretical, methodological and pedagogic parameters and aims to foster work that significantly advances the field of study.
The group currently has over 100 members, representing numerous UK Higher Education institutions and several overseas, as well as non-HEI members with academic interests in the subject area. Its membership has been involved in numerous research projects and publications to date, and the SIG seeks to encourage such work on British television and cinema, particularly in terms of supporting its PGR and ECR members. |
Founding members