Postgraduate NetworkThe BAFTSS Postgraduate Student Network is led by postgraduate students within film, television and screen studies. The aim of the network is to encourage postgraduate involvement with the aims and activities of BAFTSS by promoting and supporting research, learning and teaching, and the achievements of postgraduates in the discipline. Find out more. |
Early Career MentoringThe Early Career Mentoring Scheme is for members whose doctoral research has been completed and who are now pursuing careers in Higher Education. Mentees on the scheme will have completed their PhDs (or equivalent career qualifications) and will be on hourly paid or other temporary fractional contracts. The scheme is not open to PhD Students. Find out more. |
New ConnectionsThe ‘New Connections’ scheme is for early career researchers who have completed their PhDs and now lack supervisory support, but are not yet in secure, salaried positions within academia. It encourages ECRs to broker a fresh relationship with an Institution and provides travel bursaries to enable them to present their research to a new audience. Find out more. |
Funding opportunities |
Postgraduate Research Poster Showcase
Every year, the BAFTSS Executive Committee invites postgraduate members to showcase their doctoral research during the BAFTSS Conference. A display of research posters is then hosted on the BAFTSS website.
A prize of £150 is offered to the designer whose research poster is considered to be most successful by an online ballot of conference delegates.
Full details -- including information about deadlines and how to submit -- are available here.
Every year, the BAFTSS Executive Committee invites postgraduate members to showcase their doctoral research during the BAFTSS Conference. A display of research posters is then hosted on the BAFTSS website.
A prize of £150 is offered to the designer whose research poster is considered to be most successful by an online ballot of conference delegates.
Full details -- including information about deadlines and how to submit -- are available here.